Low carb or low fat? It doesn’t make a difference.
Ten years ago, a study was published comparing the results of four popular diets – the Atkins (low carb), Zone ...
Ten years ago, a study was published comparing the results of four popular diets – the Atkins (low carb), Zone ...
Only the most advantaged people actually benefit from the Mediterranean diet, says new Italian study. The logic is simple enough: ...
Eating salty food diminishes thirst while increasing hunger, due to a higher need for energy, according to new study carried ...
You must have heard, that the eyesight develops in the growing years, and the power of the eye gets stable ...
Smoking kills. Period. This habit is one of the major causes of death worldwide, and the numbers are only increasing ...
The fate of progenitor skin cells - to ultimately become either hair follicles or sweat glands - is governed by ...
The packaging for Regrowz, a new hair loss product for men, makes some very bald promises. 'The only clinically proven ...
THURSDAY, Nov. 3, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- Whether you get pumped up for gym time or you'd rather crawl back ...
For the average small business owner, long hours at work means long hours at the desk until it’s time to ...
One of the TED videos that I recently watched was beyond inspiring. Not only did it pierce through a frequenting ...
A few days go by and a new “health food” arrives in the market. In plenty cases, the health claims ...
HIGHLIGHTS iOS 10 public beta is now available. You can download and install it for free. Be sure to back ...
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