The practice of Pranayama may seem simple, but includes regular training. According to yogic science, the aim of Pranayama is to participate all that guides life force. Pranayama typically includes the practice of correct breathing. Since Pranayama requires you to breathe right, it involves all body parts. This means that fresh oxygen reaches every organ of your body.

Regular practice of Pranayam has the following benefits:
1. Pranyama is known to purify as many as 80,000 nerves in the body. Since it balances out the energy flow of the body, Pranayama is known to affect our overall well-being. There are many health as well medical practitioners that recommend the practice of Pranayama daily. It is said that this consistent practice brings with it a steady mind and a disease-free body.
2.Many have dismissed yoga for ‘just another meditation practice’; however, Pranayama is a practice that can help you achieve physical fitness. Since, oxygen is reaching all your organs, Pranayama balances digestive system and gives a natural glow to your skin. Pranayama is known to increase vitality of a person.
3. Pranayama also builds mental health when it comes to concentration, memory and stress reduction. Our mind is a powerful tool that can guide what our entire day will look like. Pranayama helps bring serenity to our mental nerves as it increases oxygen supply in the body. This means that blood circulation increases and helps the mind to relieve stress.
4. Those suffering with high blood pressure problems, Pranayama is an ideal practice for them. Since blood pressure spikes at an increased speed in this condition, Pranayama helps bringing this sudden rush in control. Since Pranayama is a meditative state, it calms body and in turn releases hormones that relaxes the body completely. Along with blood pressure, severe issues like diabetes and depression can also be helped with the regular practice of Pranayama.
5. Many studies have proven that Pranayama can increase life span of a person. This is because Pranayama helps a person to breathe systematically. The main problem with many of us is how we breathe. According to yogic philosophy, “our longevity depends on our breathing rate.”
6. Pranayama is great for those who want to lose weight. This is because Pranayama helps you in taking control of your body. When we start practicing Pranayama regularly, our craving for many foods decreases as it starts eliminating the imbalances in our body. When our body is in a tired, fatigued state, we tend to eat unhealthy foods. However, practicising Pranayama balances and increase our awareness towards the food that we consume.
How to do Pranayama:
1.Sit in a cross-legged position on your yoga matt/ folded sheet.
2.Close your right nostril with your thumb.
3.Inhale from your left nostril. Remember to keep your back straight, body relaxed and the left hand on your left knee.
4.Next, close your left nostril with your ring finger of your right hand, and then release breath from the right nostril.
5.Repeat the same for 15 minutes. Take a break every 5 minutes, if needed.