Balasana (Child’s Pose)
The first pose we are going to go into child’s pose which is going to round our shoulders forward to get us into the dysfunction, so when we actually open up, our body is more excited about doing so. Childs pose- sit back on your heels and reach your arms alongside your body, letting your head and shoulders relax to the ground.
Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
The triangle posture is a classic yoga position that stretches and strengthens your spine, inner thigh, abdominal and side muscles. It also helps to open the pelvis by stretching the pelvic ligaments. It is a great posture to help create alignment, space and openness in the body.
Dhanurasana (The Bow)
The Bow raises both halves of the body at once. Like an archer strings a bow, you use your hands and arms to pull your trunk and legs up together to form a curve. This tones your back muscles and maintains the elasticity of the spine, improving posture and vitality. Balancing the weight of the body on your abdomen keeps the digestive system healthy and reduces abdominal fat.
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
This is a gentle back bend that helps to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. It is also good for stimulating the thyroid gland, which can become unbalanced. Practising this pose will therefore help to regulate your metabolism and energy levels. Plus it is great restorative pose at any time to counteract negative emotions. It helps to strengthen the back and opens the chest.
Utkatasana (Fierce Pose)
This posture really strengthens the muscles of the back and legs. It also works on the shoulders and helps rectify tension and poor posture.
Virabhadrasana B (Warrior Pose)
Through this pose the leg muscles become shapely and stronger. It relieves cramp in the calf and thigh muscles, brings elasticity to the leg and back muscles and also tones the abdominal organs. It also helps to square the pelvis and strengthens the core.
Naukasana (Boat Pose)
This asana stimulates the muscular, digestive, circulatory, nervous and hormonal systems, tones all the organs and removes lethargy. It is especially useful for eliminating nervous tension and bringing about deep relaxation. This posture really helps to be aware of your centre, your core, and strengthen it.