Christmas is over, and after all that feasting, our clothes suddenly fit quite a lot tighter than they did just a few days ago.
But you can look party-ready by New Year’s Eve by following this simple diet plan from nutritionist and weight loss expert, Fiona Kirk.
The author of Fast and Fabulous Fat Loss has created a daily meal plan, as well as sharing her top dieting tips with Femail.
And she claims that if you follow her rules, you can lose seven pounds in 10 days – but you’ll lose more than a few of those by the time New Year’s Eve is here.

Nutritionist Fiona Kirk has created a quick-fix diet plan that will see you shed the flab and lose weight by the time it’s New Year’s Eve. She recommends eating plenty of nourishing soups, such as her curry soup (pictured)
This is a quick fix diet, ideal for those times when we’ve indulged too much and want to shed the flab in record time.
Kirk, a fat loss expert, says: ‘When we see satisfying results in just a few days, we are a great deal more likely to stick with the diet.
‘But a quick fix diet has to be tasty, filling, easy to follow and nutritionally top notch, otherwise, we fall off the wagon in a matter of days as hunger, cravings and diet boredom invade.’
Here she reveals her seven golden rules for her quick-fix diet, which will see you lose weight fast.

Kirk says that the best way to start the day is with a cleansing drink, such as hot lemon and ginger (pictured)

Kirk’s ideal diet plan breakfast is mixed berries, oats and yoghurt (pictured)
A cleansing drink first thing in the morning, such as hot water with lemon and ginger gives the liver a welcome boost and calms the digestive system.
Fruit for breakfast provides filling fibre, a healthy dose of vitamins and an abundance of protective plant chemicals.
When married with a source of protein ensures that the ‘sugars’ in fruit are not too quickly absorbed into the bloodstream so cravings don’t interfere with your morning.

Kirk says you should have a small snack during the day of something that provides a good balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates, such as nuts (pictured)
A small snack providing a good balance of protein, fats and carbohydrate mid morning and/or mid afternoon keeps hunger at bay and makes it a great deal easier to stay sharp and focused between meals.

Nutritionist and weight loss expert Fiona Kirk (pictured) says you could lose up to seven pounds in 10 days if you follow this diet plan
A diet which includes too much in the way of starch (breads, potatoes, pasta, rice and other grains) can seriously interfere with successful fat loss, so portion control and timing are vital.
Lunchtime is the very best time of day to add them to a protein and fat-rich meal as you will likely benefit from the extra energy they provide during the afternoon and early evening when your body will happily utilise their ‘sugars’ rather than storing them in your greedy fat cells.

Kirk reccommends having a protein-rich and vegetable-heavy dinner every day before New Year such as parcel-baked fish (pictured)
Concentrate on having meals that focus on vegetables, protein and a few fats for dinner.
These not only fill you up and offer a wealth of essential nutrients but also help to ensure that you go to bed feeling satisfied and not stuffed full of difficult-to-digest starches and sugars. These not only compromise fat loss but can also disrupt your sleep.

Fiona Kirk’s diet plan is in her book, Fast and Fabulous Fat Loss
Good hydration is essential to successful fat loss but what we put in our favourite mug, glass or cup can be the difference between successful fat loss and frustrating fat gain.
A great many drinks on offer are little other than sugar in its liquid form so you have to be on your guard and read labels.
Anything that ends in ‘-ose’ or ‘-ol’ is sugar as are all syrups and extracts.
Do yourself a favour, leave them on the shelf, stick with the recommended drinks and if it’s a massive struggle to give them up, make the overly-marketed sugar-rich and diet drinks a very, very occasional treat.
It’s tempting when you are focused and determined to lose weight to hit the gym, pound the pavements or factor some other mode of exercise into your life on a daily basis for endless hours to burn the calories and burn the fat.
But whilst regular exercise is absolutely vital to your heart, your bones, your mood and your general well-being, over-exercising when you are not used to it can prompt bouts of difficult-to-control hunger which makes the diet extremely difficult to stick with.
Aim for 30 minutes per day, make it fun and varied, try to get outdoors whenever you can to boost your vitamin D levels, ensure that you have the recommended snacks in your kit bag or nearby to hoover down before, during and/or after you exercise and there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be able to avoid any post-exercise binges.
Fast and Fabulous Fat Loss is available to download to Macs, iPads and iPhones on iBooks at £6.99.
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